The Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka, better known as CA Sri Lanka, is a brand of unique professionals. They spread better accountancy education over the country. Chairmen, Partners, Managing Directors, Vice Presidents, CEOs and CFOs govern CA Sri Lanka. They serve in top corporations locally and internationally.

CA Sri Lanka is the ultimate destination for accountancy education in the country. CA Sri Lanka has 6,000 members and over 40,000 students. Professional integrity, technical and perception skills and financial discipline are its core values.

CA Sri Lanka increases professional skills of its members. They focus on playing a significant role in partnering businesses and strengthening the national economy.

Vision and Mission

Being renowned for the highest standards in business is the vision of CA Sri Lanka. As a result, they are the most sought after qualification for business leaders. They uphold standards in the public interest, providing dynamic and proactive service and through ideas and influence.

Its core values are integrity, wisdom, innovation and service.Its past pupils cover across 42 countries in all continents. The Institute is the only accredited authority for Accounting and Auditing Standards in Sri Lanka.

What are the duties of CA Sri Lanka?

The Institute provides knowledge and guidance to its members. This is based on the highest professional, ethical and technical standards.They formulate national policies in the accountancy profession. Additionally, they contribute to the national development efforts.

As a professional organisation, CA Sri Lanka is committed to the highest ethical and professional standards. They develop the knowledge and skills of current and future business leaders. Additionally, they support businesses to deliver long-term economic value. They also organise regular briefings and forums on economic development activities.


CA Sri Lanka works closely with the government, respectiveregulators, the corporate world, individuals and communities. Over the years theyhave strived to build long term beneficial relationships with organizations.

CA Sri Lanka enjoys a strong working relationship withleading accounting bodies across the globe. It is a member of the InternationalFederation of Accountants (IFAC), Confederation of Asian & PacificAccountants (CAPA) and a founder member of the South Asian Federation ofAccountants (SAFA) as well as an associate member of the Chartered AccountantsWorldwide (CAW).

The qualifications are recognized by leading international accounting bodies. As a result, the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka today enjoys agreements with the Institute of Chartered Accountants of England and Wales (ICAEW) and CPA Australia.

CA Sri Lanka

  Why become a Chartered Accountant?

In this day and age with increased competition, the Chartered Accountant qualification provides you knowledge that covers the subject of business, finance and management. Additionally, it covers a broader spectrum to enhance your professional career.

CA Sri Lanka

The Chartered Accountant

The chartered accountant is a professional in the field of Accountancy. They are experts in accountancy, auditing, management accountancy, information technology, taxation, corporate and commercial law, financial management, management, economics and other connected subjects.

Moreover, Chartered Accountants today hold top management positions and in both the private and public sectors. They practise as chartered accountants and management consultants. Most chartered accountants in Sri Lanka are members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka.

Career prospects

The demand for the services of chartered accountants hasbeen growing rapidly in the recent past. They are much sought after by an everincreasing number of organizations in the private and public sectors of SriLanka, that are engaged in a wide range of activities. The skills and expertiseof the chartered accountants of Sri Lanka is also recognized all over theworld. Of the total membership, more than 27percent serve with distinctionabroad.

It is therefore very evident that the prospects of thosechoosing chartered accountancy as a career are excellent.

Due to the increasing demand for their services, the average earnings/remuneration packages of chartered accountants have also steadily increased in the recent past. Hence a student, on successful completion of his/her examinations and training, could look forward to a comfortable compensation package.

Chartered Accountants in Sri Lanka

Members of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of SriLanka today play a pivotal role in Sri Lanka™s boardrooms; where nearly 60percent of the top 50 companies listed in the Colombo Stock Exchange has a CASri Lanka member either as chairman, CEO or finance director.

The School of Accounting and Business was established by CA Sri Lanka for the purpose of conducting the B.Sc. (Applied Accounting) Degree programme, which is approved by the University Grants Commission (UGC). It consists of two academic departments: the Department of Accounting and Finance and the Department of Business Studies. Students also have the option of studying one year in Colombo and completing the second and third years abroad. They can complete the degree with La Trobe or Deakin University in Australia.

Find out more about the institute here.